The Clock Tower Journal

The Clock Tower is the quarterly journal produced and published by the Friends of Medway Archives (FOMA).

The Clock Tower Journal

Index: Issue 59, August 2020

Front Cover: Social (History) Distancing!

Inside Front Cover: Supporting the Medway Archives Centre (MAC) during Lockdown; The Bob Ratcliffe Collection.

Chairman’s Letter, Elaine Gardner.
Letter From Semi-Lockdown.

Secretary’s Report, Chris de Coulon Berthoud.

Supporting the Medway Archives Centre during Lockdown, Elaine Gardner.

The Bob Ratcliffe Collection, Elaine Gardner.

Medway Archives Centre News, Elspeth Millar.

The FOMA eBay Project, Rob Flood.

The Balfour Honours Boards and Balfour Schools – A Mystery, Norma Crowe.

Unquiet Monuments, The Boer Statues – Royal Engineer Barracks, Chris de Coulon Berthoud.

A 100-Year-Old Flea Market Find and the Wonders of Modern Technology, Rob Flood.

The Tobacconist’s Tale, Janet King.

The Lloyd Family of Rochester, Pauline Weeds,
Part 2.

The Newcombs and the Nelson Connection, John Sykes,
Part 3: Frederick Newcomb at Chatham Dockyard.

Travels of a Tin Trunk, Michael Baker,
Part 16: Mentioned in Despatches.

Voices from the Dockyard, Betty Cole and Norma Crowe.

What and Why?
The Workhouse, Magpie Hall Road, Chatham, Betty Cole.

Inside Back Cover: The Nonconformist Revolution by Amanda J Thomas.
Back Cover: The Balfour Honours Boards and Balfour Schools – A Mystery.

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