The Clock Tower Journal

The Clock Tower is the quarterly journal produced and published by the Friends of Medway Archives (FOMA).

The Clock Tower Journal

Index: Issue 33, February 2014

Front Cover: Amateur Dramatics in Medway

The Rochester Bridge Trust's Exhibition and Christmas at MALSC
Images from the private viewing of the Rochester Bridge Trust's exhibition Reconstructing Rochester Bridge, displayed at the Royal Engineers Museum, and Christmas at the Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre.

The Live Bait Squadron, Tessa Towner

News and Events, Odette Buchanan

New Members
Obituary: Daphne Argent

More News...
Henry Smetham
'Lost' photos of Medway's 'Dickens Land' found at Kent Archaeological Society

Readers' Letters: Anne Pratt, Rochester Water Works, Restoration House and the Pilcher Family, Tracing Ancestors in Rochester, WWII Evacuation - Urgent Appeal, Austin Budden, The Cavell Van, Carving on Esplanade Paving Slab, Rosamund Spong (née WALTER).

The MALSC Volunteers Morning and Christmas at MALSC, Amanda Thomas

A Tale of Two Spytalls, Bob Ratcliffe

Archives Update, Alison Cable

Keeping up with the Victorians, Helen Worthy
Edwin Harris - Nooks and Corners of By-Gone Rochester no. 60

Magnum Opus, Steve Cross
Broomhill - Strood's Hidden Gem. (Incorporating ‘Broomhill and the Battle of Britain.') by Odette Buchanan

From Kent To Montana - The Medway Roots Of Gary Cooper, Brian Joyce

A Clock Tower Special Feature
Amateur Dramatics in Medway, Part One

“Merely Players...”
Glimpses into the history of amateur dramatics in Chatham and Rochester, Irina Fridman

The All Saints' Players, Chatham, Betty Cole

Cindy's Little Gems, Cindy O'Halloran
The Good Companions Club

Am Dram Footnotes, Amanda Thomas

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