The Clock Tower Journal

The Clock Tower is the quarterly journal produced and published by the Friends of Medway Archives (FOMA).

The Clock Tower Journal

Index: Issue 25, February 2012

Front Cover:
Special Celebratory 25th Issue - A new look for The Clock Tower; Au revoir Valerie!

The Friends of Eastgate House

Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2012
From the Membership Secretary, Betty Cole
Subscriptions Reminder

The MALSC Volunteer Open Day, Amanda Thomas

The Archives of Great Expectations Exhibition, Amanda Thomas

Edwin Harris - Recollections of Rochester, Alison Thomas
Alison Thomas reflects on the series and brings it to a conclusion.

A Token in Time, Catharina Clement
Part One - Strood Tradesmen's Tokens of the Seventeenth Century

Go Techno!, Brian Butler
The Tales of Two Gordons
Just Another Visitor, Bob Ratcliffe
Major-General Charles George Gordon -His Local Connections, Odette Buchanan

“Never Before in the History of Chatham...,” Brian Joyce

William Bartholomew - A Man of Probity, Part One, Pauline Weeds

The Outings and Excursions of the People of the Medway Towns in the Nineteenth Century,
Part One, Peter Lyons

A FOMA Retrospective, Alison Cable, Stephen Dixon, Cindy O'Halloran, Odette Buchanan,
Dr Sandra Dunster, Amanda Thomas

Magnum Opus, Catharina Clement
The Chatham Scandal by Brian Joyce

Cindy's Little Gems, Cindy O'Halloran
Gillingham Freemans' Roll*

Editor's Footnotes, Amanda Thomas
Family History: from Kent to Australia - and back!

Betty's Postcards, Betty Cole
Happy Birthday Charles Dickens!
Charles Dickens' birthplace in Portsmouth

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